What Is
Number DNA™ is an online, self-paced and mastery based software program that identifies then drills down on the missing prealgebra skills that students need in order to succeed in algebra, trigonometry and beyond. Each unit consist of short (2-5 minute) workouts that provide instant feedback and next steps.
How Does
Number DNA™ Work?
Number DNA™ helps individuals to brush up, relearn and catch up! It allows you to move at your own pace and finds the pre-algebra concepts you are lacking with laser-focused problems based on where you need to improve.
Number DNA™ Skill Builder
Process Overview
Step 1
Take a pretest

Step 2
If needed, work through a series of short practices

Step 3
Take a posttest

Step 4
Upon mastery of the post test, move to the next unit and repeat the process.

Programmed into Number DNA are two measures for mastery:
The accuracy threshold averages 90% over 300+ unique workouts, quizzes and tests.
The time thresholds vary with each topic and are set to prevent using a calculator to solve mental math problems
Each unit focuses on mastering selected skills at a high level.
Tedious practice, long chapters, and the lack of timely feedback are motivation killers for many students when learning math.
Number DNA has a radically different design. Number DNA units are short and are comprised of 3-minute workouts that provide instant feedback and next steps.
When students master topics and skills at a high level, they are confident and motivated to take on the next unit of learning.

